Sunday, October 4, 2009

9/28 art therapy technique

Group Fall Tree
Population: Geriatric
Technique: For this art therapy task you will need a large piece of white or gray construction paper (18" x 24"), large brown marker, yellow, red, and orange acrylic paint, large leaf stencils, and sponges (or scrunched plastic bags in a pinch).
Have each member of the group take turns filling in leaf stencils using the sponges and paint. Encourage mixing the fall colors to create unique leaves. Once each member has added his or her own leaf, the group facilitator should use a brown marker and create a tree in the center that encompasses all of the members leaves. Next, write down each persons name near their leaf. Discuss the placement of the leaves and the meaning behind who's leaf is next to who's, if anyone would want to move their leaf, if anyone wants to add or subtract leaves, and the idea of a family tree and what that means for this group.

What art therapy techniques did you do this week?

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